This sitemap is to help search engines sift through and thus make it easier for you to find it when you search for it online. It is a list of all the URLs that belong to the domain, followed by short descriptions.
  1. Home: The main page of the website where you can find out everything you need to know about the festival.
  2. Festival: On this page we delve into the details of the ideas and experiences that inspired the festival: music, theater and dialects in the first place.
  3. Editions: From this page you can access the websites of each edition of the festival to discover the program and much more.
  4. About us: On this page we show you the faces and tell you the stories of the people who work all year to make the festival possible.
  5. K-shop: The online shop where you can buy Komendunesi merchandising.
  6. Press kit: Here you will find useful materials for journalists and bloggers such as brochures, logos and press releases.
  7. Contacts: On this page you will find our e-mail address, our phone number and our Instagram account to dm us.
  8. Cookie policy: A text that explains how we use cookies (fragments of stored data to improve navigation) on this website.
  9. Privacy policy: A text that explains how we process your personal data on this website.
Komendunesi festival was born in 2019 to give life to musical and cultural events in Comenduno (BG), in collaboration with the Ethnographic Museum of the Tower.
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